Spanish I
This course is designed for advanced beginners. Students enter the course with exposure to both written and spoken Spanish. Simple grammar and verb structures are reviewed at the beginning of the course so that more emphasis can be placed on independent reading and composition. Vocabulary is given each unit and more complex verb tenses and grammatical forms are taught. Lessons are planned around the essential skills of language learning: reading, listening, speaking and writing.
Spanish II
This course is designed for advanced beginners. Students enter the course with exposure to both written and spoken Spanish. Simple grammar and verb structures are reviewed at the beginning of the course so that more emphasis can be placed on independent reading and composition. Vocabulary is given each unit and more complex verb tenses and grammatical forms are taught. Lessons are planned around the essential skills of language learning: reading, listening, speaking and writing.
Spanish III
This course is designed for intermediate level students. Daily vocabulary which builds on Spanish II’s vocabulary is given in addition to more advanced verb and grammatical structures. More emphasis is put upon speaking and listening to Spanish in the classroom. Special projects are chosen with the class, and Spanish and Latin-American cultural aspects are discussed and reinforced by these special projects. As in the more elementary Spanish, the completion and mastery of the daily assignments is essential for the successful mastery of the target language, and is expected of all students.
Spanish IV
Spanish IV is an advanced course designed for students who have been exposed to all of the grammar and verb structures. The focus of the class is devoted to broadening vocabulary and reviewing and polishing grammar. Emphasis is placed on correct usage. Extensive in-class reading and outside reading will be assigned and the students are expected to keep journals based upon their readings. Special projects are chosen with the class and Spanish and Latin-American cultural aspects are discussed and reinforced by these special projects.
French I
This course is designed for beginners with little or no experience with the French language. Students are introduced to practical, everyday situations using basic French vocabulary and grammar. Oral exercises in French are done daily to encourage students to use the vocabulary learned and improve pronunciation. French and francophone culture are discussed each unit and special projects are done in and out of the classroom.
French II
This course is designed for advanced beginners. Students enter the course with exposure to both written and spoken French. Simple grammar and verb structures are reviewed at the beginning of the course so that more emphasis can be placed on independent reading and composition. Vocabulary is given each unit and more complex verb tenses and grammatical forms are taught. Special projects are a part of the learning experience. Lessons are planned around the essential skills of language learning: reading, listening, speaking and writing.
French III
This course is designed for intermediate level students. Daily vocabulary which builds on French II’s vocabulary is given in addition to more advanced verb and grammatical structures. More emphasis is put upon speaking and listening to French in the classroom. Special projects are chosen with the class, and the student’s knowledge of French and francophone culture is discussed and reinforced by these special projects. As in the more elementary French, the completion and mastery of the daily assignments is essential for the successful mastery of the target language, and is expected of all students.
French IV
French IV is the advanced level French class. It is assumed that all students entering this class will have at least a strong basic knowledge of French. The course work centers on reading classic French and Francophone literature and news. Much of the focus of the class is devoted to broadening vocabulary and reviewing all of the verb tenses. Greater emphasis is placed on correct expression, both oral and written. Class readings are more sophisticated, and students are required to keep a daily journal in French. A greater emphasis is placed on pronunciation, as well as an appreciation and understanding of French culture.